I Left the Bullshit Behind on Twitter

S. Monique Lawson
4 min readJul 26, 2021

Don’t try to bully me online. Don’t be disrespectful. Don’t be condescending. Don’t be an asshole. If you do any of the above, I will block you. It’s as simple as that.

I used to block people on Twitter as well. For the record, it was a lot of pre-blocking, which is when you peep someone’s tweets or retweets and they come across as jerks, or worse, and you block them before you have any direct interaction with them at all. Pre-emptive blocking is just necessary in keeping your peace and sanity when utilizing social media in any way. But if you don’t mind chaos and losing bits of your mind, don’t block anyone, and read every negative comment you get. Some people like to punish themselves, so…go nuts!

I’m not trying to argue with anyone on this app, which is why when I see someone make a comment that rubs me the wrong way, I need to just pre-block the person rather than getting heated and exchanging any dialog, same as I used to do on Twitter many moons ago.

My Twitter page still exists, I just haven’t made any tweets since 2020. I think I posted a video (by Bailey Sarian) from YouTube on it earlier this year, but that’s about it. That app is seriously toxic.

I also see that this app has the potential to be toxic as well — if you let it.

I’ve already had a reply from a fragile white woman today that didn’t like my comment under her post even though everything I said to her was completely valid given what she wrote in her story, but apparently other people can see it, just not her.

Next came the career misogynist who’s angry with women, and on top of that, angry because he’s broke.

I don’t have time for that shit. I really don’t.

A lot of the things people talk about online don’t apply to real life offline in any way, shape, or form — it just sounds good on social media. Many online leftists don’t actually care about anybody; they just like having followers.

The things I talk about will hopefully will help other people. Many women feel lonely or bad about themselves because they’re either single by choice or involuntarily single and they feel like failures when it’s involuntary. If it’s by choice, other people tend to make them feel awful about it. I write on that subject to give perspective to them since I wish someone had done the same for me fourteen years ago.

While I may talk about my experiences with men, or personal things along those lines, I’m not really here to discuss them, and I’m definitely not here to pointlessly argue with them.

It’s not any woman’s job online to explain why she chooses to have sex with certain men, or explain to people why she chose to be with a certain person in order to satisfy people with an answer who don’t even know her. I see men and women — who probably aren’t having sex with anyone — judging people when nobody asked their opinion and it’s a bit gross. It’s fine if you’re not having sex with anybody, but it’s not fine when you think it makes you somehow superior to others in some way so much so that you can be judge and jury when it comes to their choices. If they’re not hurting anybody, shut the fuck up about what they’re doing with their vaginas. Because that’s who’s policed the most: people with vaginas.

As my bio states, I’m a lover of many things, so it’s not as if all of my topics are going to be on the same subjects like I see so many people’s are. It’s just about finding the time for me to write it on Medium. I have other things to do throughout the day and night.

Which brings me back to my original point.

I don’t have the time or negative energy reserves to deal with men and their pettiness and grievances towards ALL womenkind. I just really don’t care. Your wife most likely divorced you because you were a useless little shit that was making her life a living hell and she finally decided to abort mission while she still could. Not my problem. I don’t give a shit. You’re mad because you’re bad in bed. You’re big mad because you don’t have any money. You’re mad because you have a small dick. None of that is my problem and I do not care.

After so many years of my life stolen by being depressed, I healed and I managed to grow. I embrace life and my future, the good things and the challenges. I try to keep my inner self at peace and I work on my happiness every day. I don’t have time for any random people online to allow their own inner nastiness to invade my space, and there are more than enough nasty, angry, bitter people online to receive negative energy from.

I have to remind myself that Medium is still social media. It’s not like HubPages, but it’s more like Twitter, and I have to keep my guard up. Therefore, pre-blocking is a definite must.

